Understanding Post Traumatic Infidelity Syndrome: Symptoms and Healing Strategies for Infidelity Trauma

Understanding Post Traumatic Infidelity Syndrome: Symptoms and Healing Strategies for Infidelity Trauma

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I'm idit sharoni, lmft
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in Affair Recovery, Betrayal Trauma, and Surviving Infidelity. The owner of Relationship experts private practice and host of Relationships Uncomplicated Podcast
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Did you know that an affair can result in something called post-traumatic infidelity syndrome? It’s a reality that many couples overlook, yet marital betrayal can indeed be seen as a traumatic event.

Infidelity rocks a couple’s world. It shatters the life a betrayed partner once knew, blindsiding them much like a tragedy or natural disaster. The anguish of infidelity trauma is often very real and very intense. The emotional and relational repercussions affect some partners so deeply that they become lodged in both their minds and nervous systems. As a result, they find it impossible to articulate the trauma healthily, causing the process of emotional healing to get stuck or stunted.

A couple sits back-to-back, holding their foreheads, representing Post Traumatic Infidelity Syndrome a couple is going through. Schedule a free consultation with Relationship Experts LLC to get the help from the experts in New York, California, Florida and in the United States.

Is this where you and your relationship are stuck? It is crucial to seek support. You deserve a path to recovery from infidelity, along with the care and compassion that can help you heal.

So, what is Post-Traumatic Infidelity Syndrome (PTIS) Exactly?

The term Post-Traumatic Infidelity Syndrome (PTIS) describes a specific subset of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Essentially, the condition develops after finding out your significant other has been unfaithful. Often, betrayed partners report a lost sense of security, trust, and self-worth. The long-lasting effects on mental health are real and disruptive to daily life and overall well-being.

If you sense that you are struggling with PTIS, you are likely emotionally devastated and find it difficult to function. Untreated, PTIS can undermine your attempts to reconcile, harm other interpersonal relationships, disrupt work performance, and reduce your quality of life.

A man hugging a woman. Infidelity Trauma - Idit Sharoni E-Course - Remorse Blueprint. Build trust after infidelity with Relationship Experts LLC E-course in the USA, New York, California, Florida and worldwide.

You aren’t alone. Don’t beat yourself up or minimize your experience. Learn to recognize the symptoms of PTIS and how to get yourself the support and care you need. With professional support, you can address your symptoms and begin a lasting recovery.

Recognizing the Symptoms of PTIS:

To get a clear picture of how PTIS may affect you and your life, consider these common symptoms of PTIS. You’ll find that they often mirror those of PTSD:

  1. Flashbacks: Do vivid, distressing memories of the betrayal surface unexpectedly? You may relive the shocking discovery or revelation of your partner’s affair repeatedly.
  2. Hypervigilance. Are you in a state of extreme sensitivity and alertness? Do you suspect further deception? PTIS often manifests as feeling on edge or being overly sensitive to shifts in your partner’s attitude or behavior.
  3. Intrusive Thoughts. Do unwanted thoughts or memories about the affair pop up without warning? You may deal with distressing, affair-related thoughts anytime. They can be triggered situationally or intrude quite spontaneously.
  4. Nightmares & Sleep Disturbances. Are insomnia, nightmares, and other sleep-related problems making it difficult to escape your emotional pain? Reliving the betrayal or imagining future scenarios of your partner cheating is not unusual at bedtime. Nightmares can be vivid and intense, causing you to resist rest or sleep.
  5. Avoidance Behaviors: Does the betrayal compel you to avoid infidelity reminders? Avoiding vulnerability, emotional closeness, or intimacy with your partner and other loved ones may feel easier.

The Emotional and Psychological Impact of Infidelity Trauma:

You must go beyond recognizing the symptoms of PTIS to understand how it impacts you. The ultimate goal is to heal, not bury the hurt and anxiety you’re feeling.  The temptation to put your emotions aside isn’t uncommon, but facing the pain and seeking help are the better options. In addition, unresolved pain also resurfaces, sometimes disastrously. Healing and hope for your relationship’s future are worth the work.

Couple shouting at each other, representing the emotional impact of Infidelity Trauma. Our therapists can help. Schedule a free 45 minutes consultation with our experts in California, Florida, New York and globally.

Let’s examine the fallout of infidelity trauma and explore how to heal as you read on.

PTIS & The Betrayed Partner

How Infidelity Trauma Affects Day-to-Day Life:

Again, PTIS can make it challenging to function well. Hypervigilance and intrusive thoughts can interfere with your work performance, concentration, and ability to complete everyday tasks. Chronic stress, confusion, and a deep sense that you are unsafe may be present too.

Also, nightmares and poor sleep can lead to physical exhaustion, further hindering daily activities and your ability to cope with daily stressors. Poor sleep aggravates feelings of anxiety and depression, making it challenging to feel comforted or relaxed.

How Post-Traumatic Infidelity Syndrome Impacts Your Emotional Well-Being:

The emotional toll of PTIS can be profound as well. Indeed, betrayal can dominate your focus and emotional energy, making it difficult to enjoy life or find much personal satisfaction. Consequently, the trauma can make such emotional distress feel like being trapped. This can contribute to hopelessness and anger. Additionally, you may be vacillating between extreme moods and emotional numbness to cope.

It should be noted, too, that betrayal commonly leads to grief and depression. It’s important to seek non-judgmental, healthy support as you cope with your hurt, confusion, and loss.

How PTIS Influences Your Ability to Trust Others

Trust is often the most severely affected aspect of a relationship after betrayal. Moreover, your fear of being hurt again is real. Therefore, you aren’t alone if distrust hinders your ability to communicate and connect meaningfully right now. Isolation or loneliness may feel like a heavy emotional weight to carry. Finding a reliable, experienced counselor is a good first step to stabilizing your emotions and creating a safe place to rebuild trust.

PTIS And The Harmed Relationship

Betrayal trauma changes everything…including the dynamic between you and your partner. Understanding your relationship’s emotional and psychological fallout provides insight into healing and rebuilding as you move forward.

How the Erosion of Trust Affects You Both

Infidelity shatters the trust foundation of any relationship. Consequently, your hypervigilance may lead to ongoing doubt and tension. Furthermore, rebuilding trust will not happen with just time or attempts to “get over” the affair. Instead, trust-building requires consistent effort, accountability, validation, and transparency from the unfaithful partner.

A woman hides her cell phone from a man, illustrating trust issues in Post Traumatic Infidelity Syndrome. Schedule a consultation with our therapists in Florida, New York, California and the US.

What the Communication Breakdown Means

The emotional turmoil caused by post-traumatic infidelity syndrome leads to significant communication problems. You may struggle to express your feelings, while your unfaithful partner may become defensive or avoidant. This communication breakdown can further widen the gap between you. Discussing the affair productively or resolving underlying issues can be difficult.

The Impact of Infidelity Trauma on Intimacy

Infidelity often deeply affects emotional and physical closeness. If you fear more hurt and deception, you likely resist vulnerability and suspect your partner’s motives. Conversely, your unfaithful partner may wrestle with guilt and shame, unsure how to reconnect with you.

So, the key question remains: How can you heal?

Key Healing Strategies for Post-Traumatic Infidelity Syndrome:

How do you move forward when your sense of security has been deeply compromised? Seeking therapy, building a strong support system, and practicing self-care are crucial steps toward healing. Practices like mindfulness meditation and journaling are helpful. Trauma-focused therapies such as EMDR can be useful as well.  

Our program, “It’s Okay To Stay,” comes in here. Designed specifically for couples facing the aftermath of infidelity, our structured, 8-week approach provides tailored support. We uniquely designed our program to give you a roadmap for a successful journey toward reconciliation.

We can help you work through the trauma, rebuild trust, and create a path to lasting reconciliation. Through our program, couples find hope and healing. They learn to rebalance after their crisis, reattach through communication, and restart their life together. Our clients routinely choose to let us guide them and emerge stronger, even happier than in the early days of their relationships. You can, too.

Idit's smiling image. Original podcast with Idit Sharoni, LMFT Relationship Expert and Affair Recovery Specialist. Surviving infidelity in the United States, Florida, California, New York and globally.

While PTIS is challenging, remember that healing and rebuilding your relationship is possible. Indeed, with the right support and strategies, you can take the first step toward recovery. Therefore, consider exploring professional help. Our “It’s Okay To Stay” program is a viable option for your journey. You don’t have to navigate this alone. Together, we can work toward a brighter future.


Our therapists at  Relationship Experts are ready and qualified to support you as you navigate healing from infidelity trauma. We want to guide and encourage your journey toward communication, trust, and enduring connection. We are here to offer the direction, resources, and compassion you need. Please reach out now.

Our infidelity recovery coaching program is ready when you are. You can contact us with a few simple steps :

  1. Schedule a free 45-minute consult.
  2. Talk with a program specialist.
  3. Learn about PTIS and relationship healing today!


Our Relationship Experts team encourages recovery while helping restore communication and intimacy. Our private practice aids clients in Miami, Florida. Are you located somewhere elsewhere? No problem! Please consider our online services. We can connect with you in the US, United Kingdom, and Canada. Please look for more information on our blog page or listen to our podcasts on Spotify.

I’m Idit, your blog writer & podcast host.

practice owner relationship expert PODCASTER
blog writer

I am the owner of the highly respected Relationship Experts private practice based in Miami, Florida and focused on affair recovery. In over a decade and together with my team, we help couples with surviving infidelity and healing from betrayal trauma

A Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in Affair-Recovery and Infidelity Counseling in The United States and worldwide.

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